our Story
We are a small family mushroom farm, mainly operated by father and son, but everyone likes to help out when they can! I Brendan Linnane, grew up right here in beautiful Placer County surrounded by some of California’s most pristine landscapes. Naturally I perused a degree in Horticulture and began my career as a landscaper. Having spent most my life in the outdoors I was always fascinated by gnarly old trees, out of this world looking flowers, and of course the most mysterious of them all……mushrooms. My dad, Paul Linnane, was born and raised on a family farm nestled out on the west coast of County Clare in Ireland. His passion for mushrooms was cultivated at a young age when he and his siblings would run out to the fields and pick massive toad stool looking mushrooms. Having growing up on the farm he learned to become a jack of all trades, and now giving it the auld try at mushroom cultivation.
My true passion for growing mushrooms spawned while reading Mycelium Running, by Paul Stamets. Link I could not believe what I was reading! Mushrooms not only have beneficial nutrients our bodies need, but they also are actively engaging our environment, and play a key role in our ecosystems! Quite a large feat for something so unknown and mysterious as mushrooms. So I immediately set up a small lab in my garage and a small fruiting chamber and got after it!
My first attempt at creating a "Lab” in my garage. Oh how things have changed!
The truth is that mushrooms play a much larger role than just that thing growing in the lawn, or something you eat on pizza. Mushrooms rather are our teachers, reaching out to us, working with all organisms to live in harmony. Mushrooms are showing us and trying to guide us in understanding the language of nature.
One of my first garage harvests! this is the White oyster mushroom ELMA from Aloha Medicinals!
Being able to offer the highest quality mushrooms to our local community, and engaging with our customers is very important to us. That is why our goal is to produce mushrooms that are grown both respectfully and with integrity.
We want people to be as hyped as we are, and to learn about the amazing benefits mushrooms provide not only to us but the planet, and it is something we are extremely passionate about!
Please reach out!